Coping with low Testosterone Levels

Women and men experience fluctuating hormonal levels in their body.  This phenomenon takes place so gradually that it is presumed to be part of the aging process. The symptoms of low testosterone for women are subtler and not noticed while they go through menopause.  Research has conclusively showed that testosterone is just as important for women as it is for men.  It is also possible that the condition is under diagnosed with higher risk of deficiency.

Common symptoms

If a woman is suffering from some of the following symptoms, it may be time to talk to a doctor and get hormone levels checked. This will help in determining a proper course of action.


  • Fatigue: If a woman is tired around the clock and doesn’t feel refreshed after a full night’s sleep, it could be due to low testosterone. Disrupted sleep patterns are another piece of the puzzle. Healthy hormonal balance is important to sleeping well and feeling rested.
  • Weight gain: Weight gain also happens gradually and many women lose muscle tone due to a lack of this important hormone alongside higher risk of deficiency.
  • Low libido: Just like men, women also suffer from a lack of testosterone. They lose interest in sex, which is a normal part of life. Vaginal dryness also contributes to discomfort during sex and further leads to a lack of interest. Talking to a doctor and getting tests done can help in deciding what the cause is.
  • Hair loss: This is one obvious symptom of low testosterone levels. Closely note hair loss patterns in different parts of the body. The most obvious area is the head but can occur in other areas as well. Most women appreciate hair loss on other parts of their body but not as much on their head.

The easiest way to combat low testosterone levels and achieve balance to lead a normal life is to talk to a doctor. They will carry out a few tests and then prescribe medication as needed. Exercising and eating right will also go a long way to making one feel better.

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