30 Mar

Common understanding of Car Accident litigation in San Antonio, Texas

Law firms in San Antonio, Texas work on regular basis with various departments like the road traffic agency, investigators, commercial and public carrier agencies, police department and many more in order to resolve a case. By rule in Texas, if a car accident has occurred as a result of the driver’s negligence, then the injured is eligible to claim the following:

  •  Damage to property, if any
  •  Personal injury charges
  •  Medical Bills
  •  Treatment expenses
  •  Pain and suffering charges
  •  Mental Anguish
  •  Loss of wages or income as a result of the accident.

lawyersIf a car accident has occurred due to reckless driving and negligence on the part of the driver, then the injured is entitled to claim all of the above and punitive damages and special damages. Most Car accident lawyers in San Antonio, Texas are experienced in handling car accident cases as a result of the following occurrences:

  •  Drunk Driving
  •  Tailgating Collisions
  •  Rear Ending Collisions
  •  Intersection Accidents
  •  Hit and Run cases
  •  Passenger injuries
  •  Motor cycle and car collision
  •  Pedestrian accidents
  •  High duty vehicle and car collision
  •  Uninsured drivers.

The Process of a law firm establishing liability in a car accident

The most difficult part in a liability claim is to establish which party is at fault. It involves in the law firms connecting with various departments and arriving at a conclusion. The lawyers are expected to obtain police reports, traffic law notes, and eye witness information, etc. The obtaining of all this information as early in the case is imperative and most law firms in San Antonio claim to adhere to this procedure. Consequences of most car accidents can be serious to an extent that they can lead to loss of life or permanent disability. It is extremely important that a victim approaches a law firm that is experienced in handling such cases. San Antonio houses many such law firms that are determined to help victims of numerous car accidents that occur every day. Remember when a case of car accident comes forward, a car accident attorney or lawyer is expected to accomplish 3 main tasks.

  1.  Determine who is at fault to have caused the car accident.
  2.  Work towards gathering all evidence from various departments to support the victim’s rights
  3.  To make sure the victim is rightly compensated.
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